About Us

About Us

We believe every private sector enterprise has a moral obligation to conduct business in a socially responsible manner.

Although generating revenue must be a priority with any business enterprise, the well being of the community, as well as its employees, must always be in the fore front when crucial decisions are made.


Our Mission

Our mission is to create an environment through social enterprise that affords everyone an opportunity to grow in their personal, social, educational and occupational experience.

Opening the doors of opportunity to everyone require ingenuity. As a socially conscious enterprise we continually strive to stay on the cutting edge of creating employment and economic opportunities for all people.

As society continues to evolve, our mission will be to continue to evolve as well. Always remaining an integral part of creating pathways to success for future generations of social entrepreneurs. Always striving to develop leadership platforms that creates impact and forces change for the betterment of all communities and humanity as a whole.


Our Vision

Our vision is to create a seamless economically based system specifically designed to assist economically disadvantaged individuals. To elevate their standard of living by opening up windows of opportunity for education, employment and personal improvement through the impact of social enterprise. Leveling the economic playing field to anyone with a desire to succeed and better their circumstances.


Small Business Support

Platinum Staffing and Referral Service was designed as a multi dimensional Human Resource Corporation. While offering conventional and specialized job training for a variety of vocational fields, we also provide long and short term Staffing Services, Administrative Services, Referral  Services and Human Resource Development  for small and disadvantaged businesses.

Technology and innovation provide the pathway to develop new benefits and strategies for a changing workforce. To compete within the business sector, employers must look to new and creative concepts to keep their edge within current economic conditions.

We offer a unique employment savings system that allows small and disadvantage businesses to participate in our payroll reduction program while still enjoying the full benefits of extra manpower.


Looking Ahead

As economic conditions continue to challenge and change the face of employment, strategies and techniques of today may be less effective tomorrow. Preparing the workforce for a changing economy is the foundation of Platinum Staffing ARS.

We are proud to do our part as a participating member of 3 D Economic Development Consortium. Working to execute job creation initiatives for those in poverty, low income and previously incarcerated is the main goal of the organization.

Platinum Staffing ARS: Innovative ideas & concepts that create new opportunities and employment, helps to strengthen small and disadvantaged businesses and contributes to local community economic health.

Platinum Staffing ARS

Employing The Future

What WE DO!!!!

Human Resources

Career Assessment

Small Business Human Resource Assistance. Employee Job Placement And Career Development


Social Entrepreneur

PTS Consultant

Leadership Training For The Next Generation. Community Based Small Business Enterprise Development


Personal Development


Self Improvement And Social Skills Enhancement. Education, Career and Personal Growth.


About Us

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